
Ministry Program


Welcome to Bethel Christian Church Nursery where we offer a fun-loving environment for children ages 2 and under to learn about Jesus. This is your child’s first introduction to church, and our Nursery wants to be formative in the early development of their faith. We understand that it can be difficult to worship and listen to the Word of God with young children. This is why Bethel Christian Church offers you a place to bring your children during service. We have wonderful volunteers who will be in the Nursery during Sunday School and Sunday Service. We offer a wide variety of activities such as puzzles, stories, crafts, free play, and snacks. We have a sick policy that is posted in the Nursery, and we also have a paging system so we can discretely contact parents during service, if needed. Please stop in and see us, we love to make new friends. If you are interested in volunteering in the Nursery, please contact Michelle Stivers (859) 333-8737. We are always looking to add new volunteers to our rotation. Thank you.

For further information or questions please contact: David Grose, Nursery Director (859)-333-8737