Joy Circle
Ministry Program
J.O.Y. Circle 2024
President: Barbara Curtis
Vice-President: Ruth Durham
Secretary: Debbie Martin
Treasurer: Rose Mitchell
Bethel Christian Church J.O.Y. Circle is a group of women serving our church and our community. Come join us for Christian fellowship.
Bereavement Dinners: The J.O.Y. Circle assists in providing bereavement meals in the Bethel Christian Church Fellowship Hall. Amy Hogue and Cathe Conn organize the supplies and the preparation of the bereavement meal.
Bereavement baskets: Baskets are prepared by Becky King and delivered to the funeral homes in Jessamine County. The baskets are filled with an assortment of mints, Kleenex, cookies, water and light snacks to assist the families during funeral visitation.
Blanket Ministry: Sue Reynolds coordinates this ministry. Blankets are purchased and donated by members of the Church. Jane Burton is in charge of monogramming the blankets. The blankets are given to shut-ins, hospital patients, and nursing home residents.
Card Ministry: Cathe Conn sends “sympathy “, “thinking of you”, and “praying for you” cards from the Circle.
Sisterly Exchange: Georgia Lunsford and Kim Riester coordinate our community outreach to assist programs in need.
The JOY Circle assists with our Church dinners and gospel sings. We coordinate with our Youth Directors to organize “Trunk or Treat” and “Easter Egg Hunt”.